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Chinese translation for "water carrier"

2.〔W-〕 【天文学】宝瓶宫。

Related Translations:
carrier:  n.1.运送人,搬夫;负荷者;使役,〔美国〕信差,邮递员;送报人;〔英国〕运输行,运输业者。2.传书鸽,信鸽。3.(车后的)货架;吊架;托架。4.水管,引水沟。5.运载工具;搬运机;移动滑车。6.【医学】带菌者,病媒。7.航空母舰。8.【电学】载波;载流子;【拓】承载子;【化学】载体,填料;导染剂。短语和例子a mail [letter] carrier邮递员。 a ban
Example Sentences:
1.You are now under a curse : you will never cease to serve as woodcutters and water carriers for the house of my god .
2.The women are not only the water carriers , but also go off miles and miles for little bits of sticks and trees to use for fuel to cook
妇? ?仅要挑水,也要走到好几英?外去找一些木材及树枝,作为烧饭用的燃? 。
3.No , its the chorus from the water carrier , listen . and natasha hummed the air of the chorus , so that sonya might catch it
“不对,这是担水人一曲中的合唱,你听见吗? ”娜塔莎为了要让索尼娅能够听懂,便把合唱的曲子唱完了。
4.In this beautiful " water ceremony of communion " is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us , the aquarian age , the age of the water carrier
5.In this article the calculative formula for ejecting mixer of vapor - water has been obtained , and the ejecting mixer has been designed in the under - water carrier ' s working environment
6.At last ejecting mixer by design has been validated through experiment , and it is showed that the tired heat produced by under - water carrier can be completely converted and released , and the design goal has been achieved
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